Thursday, August 7, 2008

My new haircut

Hey ...... I had a little time between errands and picking up the kids today, so I decided to stop in Fantastic Sam's and let a stranger cut on my hair. I just get a "wild hair" like that sometimes.
Anyway, since I have been so fuzzy of late, I had to get something done. As it was, I couldn't get a comb through the ends without tearing out big chunks.
Anyway, this lady cut my hair, which was sprayed with tons of product and straightened this am, then rained on. It was about half kinky, half frizzy and, in a word, awful. She shampoo'ed the heck out of it, then put on some kind of conditioner that might have been mayonnaise. Then she went to cutting and I ended up with a straight all the way around the bottom sort of bob thing without the bangs. It is pretty different for me and we'll see how big it is when I let it go curly, which WILL happen. Oh well, it is just hair and if I don't like it, I'll just get some more cut off.

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