Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big decision.........

Ok, here's the deal. My Boy child is faced with a dilemma that he is working to figure out. Originally we had planned to allow him to do both swim team and karate ( I am not sure how to spell "Tai Kwan do", so I will just call it karate). The problem now is that the practices and stuff all coincide and then when you toss Girl's dance classes in the mix, there is just no way we can do it all. We talked about it and Daddy spoke to some people with kids already doing karate. The one guy he talked to ( a member of our church and well known TV personality here in the Mid-south) said that his kid did GREAT with it and really matured a lot. Ok, so that may be what we need for our boy. Anyway, we let the kid decide and he wants hands down to do karate rather than swim.

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