Sunday, August 31, 2008

At the Boy's Ranch....

Today we have been having a little fun at our Aunt L. and Uncle H's house. That's him leading Diva Dressage Rider around the yard on a reluctant steed. My little Knight rode too, but the memory card was not in the camera when I took his picture, so guess we will have to depend on Grandma to send us one of that.

Ya just gotta love the dress and sunglasses. She has a big pink hair bow too, but it is under the helmet, which is fashionably askew. Those of you who are horse folk ...take a lookie at that saddle. That is a $800.00 saddle on a $80 horse! It is a practically new aussie endurance saddle.

So, after taking our ride, then having a delicious supper of taco salad and burritos, we all hauled down the driveway to the pool...........Gaga bought some worms at the gas station, so we will be going fishing in the morning. Hopefully, we will at least get a minnow sized something! I have never been in a gas station that had worms right there on the counter next to the fried chicken and candy bars, but guess if your desperate for worms or chicken, you aren't terribly bothered by the company they keep.

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