Saturday, January 10, 2009

Is Cauliflower really a good sub for potatoes?

In my constant search for thing I can actually eat without messing up my glucose groove, I came upon a recipe for cauliflower soup. ( Does that sound like anything remotely tasty?) Actually, it was on Pioneer Woman's blog - I'll have to ask her nicely before I post it. Or, I might just make it different enough that she wouldn't recognize it as her own. Like she actually has time to READ anything!

Anyway, I had heard of the Atkin's Mock Mashed "potatoes" that uses cauliflower and wondered if it was good. I made the "Mock Danish" and it was NOT what I remember as being anything remotely Danish-like. This soup looks a lot like potato soup, and with the exception of a little flour, seems pretty safe. I think that I'll make it and see what happens. If any of YOU have any exciting, Low-carb recipes, send them to me. I'm getting bored with salad!

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