Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekend Cook-a-Thon

Labor day weekend turned out to be a couple of days of cleaning out the freezers and fridge and cooking up some stuff that I forgot I had.
We had finished up the last of the WOW! sauce, so I made up some more real quick in case some more wayward green tomatoes find their way to our house before it gets cold.

It is really a simple combination of creole mustard, horseradish, mayonnaise, and blistered jalapenos. It is so good......gah.

This is a redneck way to make your electric eye heat evenly when cooking a pot of rice. The ding-dang electric stove we have is on it's last leg ( or so I am letting it seem) , and when it finally goes, we are gonna go get a big ol' gas one. For now, this works.

When diva girl got up ( finally) she wanted to make cinnamon rolls. Of course, the kitchen had been all cleaned by this time. Since we had all the ingredients, I just let her roll with it. The way they learn is by doing it, and I sure want to raise people who can feed themselves.
Here she is looking at her recipe to be sure we have everything. The Paula Deen cookbook for kids is great for those new readers.

If there is something to be made with crescent rolls, we can make it. Here we are rolling big marshmallows in a triangle of crescent dough.
Then you roll the dough ball in some cinnamon/sugar. After that, ya set them in a pan that has a little melted butter in the bottom, then brush with more melted butter, then pour the rest of the cinnamon and sugar on top.

These are ready to go in the oven. I can feel my glucose soaring just looking at the picture.
These bake at about 350 for about 10 minutes, then you need to cool them for a few minutes. The marshmallow melts and kinda wants to ooze, but no worries. It tastes really good according to my little pastry chef.
The cook-a-thon ended with a big pot of red beans and rice for work on Tuesday. Great way to start off a short week!

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